X20 Bus Timetable

Route Overview – Stansted Airport to Braintree to Colchester Bus Timetable

The X20 bus service connects Stansted Airport to Braintree and continues to Colchester, serving several key stops along the way.

Key Stops Timetable

Stop Name
Early Morning
Late Night
Stansted Airport Coach Station
00:45, 02:45, 05:00
06:27, 07:30, 08:40, 09:45
10:40, 11:40, 12:40, 13:40, 14:35, 15:40, 16:40
17:45, 18:50, 19:45, 20:40
21:40, 23:15
Braintree Bus Interchange
01:20, 03:20, 05:40
07:10, 08:15, 09:25
10:25, 11:20, 12:20, 13:20, 14:22, 15:18, 16:25
17:25, 18:25, 19:30, 20:25
21:20, 23:52
Coggeshall Market Hill
07:30, 08:35, 09:44
10:43, 11:38, 12:38, 13:38, 14:40, 15:42, 16:46
17:44, 18:44, 19:47, 20:42
21:36, –
Marks Tey Railway Station
01:40, 03:40, 06:05
07:44, 08:48, 09:56
10:56, 11:52, 12:52, 13:52, 14:57, 16:00, 17:06
17:59, 18:55, 19:58, 20:53
21:47, 00:12
Colchester Railway Station
06:27, 08:21, 09:18
10:26, 11:25, 12:22, 13:22, 14:22, 15:28, 16:37, 17:39
18:28, 19:21, 20:24, 21:16
22:10, 23:00

Full Timetable

For the full timetable including all stops, please refer to the table below. Times are shown in 24-hour format.

Important Notes

  • Service frequency varies throughout the day, with more frequent services during peak hours.
  • Journey time from Stansted Airport to Colchester is approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes.
  • Not all services stop at all stops. Please check the full timetable for specific stop information.
  • Early morning and late night services may have limited stops.
  • Please arrive at your stop a few minutes early, as buses may depart up to 1 minute before the scheduled time.
  • For real-time updates and more information, visit [insert website or app information].

Key Destinations

  • Stansted Airport
  • Great Dunmow
  • Braintree
  • Coggeshall
  • Marks Tey
  • Stanway
  • Colchester